iFrame Block


This page provides instruction on using the iFrame block to embed content such as tables from PowerBI. It is important to note that Site Content Editors (SCEs) must do the appropriate steps within the original program to ensure the content is accessible to users.

Page Content:

  • Adding the iFrame block
  • Adding content from PowerBI

Adding the iFrame Block

  • First, select the add block icon

Here you can either:

  • Type and select the iFrame Block in the block search bar or
  • find the iFrame Block listed under the EMBEDS section in the block chooser.
a screenshot identifying the iFrame Block located under the "embeds" section in the block chooser.

Adding Content from PowerBI

After creating your content in PowerBI and following the necessary steps to ensure accessibility, you will need to grab the URL for embedding and enter that into the Iframe URL field located under the block settings on the right sidebar.

Recommended Settings

For most embeds we recommend using the following settings:

  • Width: Responsive 100%
  • Height: not responsive, adjust to the number of pixels required to fit chart on desktop screen. For example you may enter 800 px
  • Allow Full Screen: yes
  • Lazy Loading: yes
  • Scrolling: no
  • Hide Frame: yes