The kevents shortcode has new options to control the display of your embedded calendar feed. See our updated How to Embed a Calendar Feed page!
Category: How to Block
New Blocks Available – Accordions and Post Layout

Hello WordPress SCEs,
We wanted to share the latest additions to your block library, the Accordion and Post Layout.
Have questions? Please reach out to Web Services so we can support you.
Accordion Block
Block Details

The new accordion block provides more settings and variations that include:
- choosing a heading level
- margin settings
- padding
- borders
- icon selection
Accessibility and Usability
To remain ADA compliant and provide our users with the best experience, it is imperative that SCEs pay close attention to the the additional settings of this block.
Settings to be mindful of include, but do not limit the following:
- Assigning the appropriate heading level. Please note that a heading may not be needed for all uses.
- Make sure there is enough color contrast when choosing colors for headings, the accordion body, borders, and text color.
Accordion Block Examples
The following example is from the 2021 Parents and Families Orientation Schedule.
Wednesday, September 8
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
- Student Move-In (Residence Halls) – Resident Assistants (RAs) and Peer Leaders will be stationed at check-in tables at each residence hall to welcome your student. Students will pick up their orientation folder from the Peer Leaders. Then see the Residential Life staff to get their student ID, room key, check into their room, and get settled. Health verification must be completed before students can check in. Students with incomplete health requirements will be directed to the Health Center to complete any necessary requirements before they are permitted to check in.
- Health Center Open (Main Floor, Hicks Student Center) – Health Center staff is available for health information verification as well as general consultation with students and families.
- Book Club Cafe Open (Upjohn Library) – Stop by the first floor of the Upjohn Library and allow one of our baristas to serve you a cup of Kalamazoo Coffee, hot chocolate, tea, or a specialty espresso. Choose from fast grab-and-go options including pastries, house-made salads, sandwiches, and sides.
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
- Information Table (Hicks Student Center) – Stop by for schedules, maps, directions, resource handouts, and answers to your questions.
- Richardson Room Open (Hicks Student Center) – The Richardson Room offers a variety of options including an extensive deli line with a wide variety of toppings and homemade soup. Also available is a selection of grab-and-go sandwiches, salads, yogurt parfaits, fruit, sweet and salty snacks, and beverages
- Bookstore Open (Hicks Student Center) – Go Hornets! 20% off Kalamazoo College imprinted items.
4:00 – 4:45 p.m.
- Understanding Billing and Financial Aid (Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall) – Join Director of Financial Aid, Becca Murphy, and Student Accounts Coordinator, Juan Muniz, for a session to help understand the financial side of sending your student to college. This program will be repeated twice on Thursday.
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- Dinner (Dining Center in Hicks Student Center or off campus) – Students and their families are welcome to have dinner together on campus at the Dining Center in the Hicks Student Center, or venture off campus to one of Kalamazoo’s excellent eating establishments (a list of restaurants is available at the information table). New students can use their student ID (which also serves as their meal card) for entrance to the Dining Center. Families may purchase tickets at the Dining Center entrance ($11.15 per person).
- First-Generation Welcome Dinner (by invitation only) (Hicks Banquet Room) – A welcome for first-generation students and their families. Dinner buffet will be served and important information specifically for first-generation students and their families will be shared.
- Relax or Explore the Campus and the City of Kalamazoo – Families are welcome to just relax after a day of moving their students in or explore Kalamazoo. Information about downtown Kalamazoo is available at the information table in the Hicks Student Center. Take your student shopping for last minute items, or explore campus (self-guided walking tour directions are available at the information table in Hicks). Get to know the area your student will call home for the next four years!
Thursday, September 9
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
- Student Move-In (Residence Halls) – Resident Assistants (RAs) and Peer Leaders will be stationed at check-in tables at each residence hall to welcome your student. Students will pick up their orientation folder from the Peer Leaders. Then see the Residential Life staff to get their student ID, room key, check into their room, and get settled. Health verification must be completed before students can check in. Students with incomplete health requirements will be directed to the Health Center to complete any necessary requirements before they are permitted to check in.
- Health Center Open (Main Floor, Hicks Student Center) – Health Center staff is available for health information verification as well as general consultation with students and families.
- Book Club Cafe Open (Upjohn Library) – Stop by the first floor of the Upjohn Library and allow one of our baristas to serve you a cup of Kalamazoo Coffee, hot chocolate, tea, or a specialty espresso. Choose from fast grab-and-go options including pastries, house-made salads, sandwiches, and sides.
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
- Information Table (Hicks Student Center) – Stop by for schedules, maps, directions, resource handouts, and answers to your questions.
- Richardson Room Open (Hicks Student Center) – The Richardson Room offers a variety of options including an extensive deli line with a wide variety of toppings and homemade soup. Also available is a selection of grab-and-go sandwiches, salads, yogurt parfaits, fruit, sweet and salty snacks, and beverages
- Bookstore Open (Hicks Student Center) – Go Hornets! 20% off Kalamazoo College imprinted items.
4:00 – 4:45 p.m.
- Understanding Billing and Financial Aid (Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall) – Join Director of Financial Aid, Becca Murphy, and Student Accounts Coordinator, Juan Muniz, for a session to help understand the financial side of sending your student to college. This program will be repeated twice on Thursday.
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- Dinner (Dining Center in Hicks Student Center or off campus) – Students and their families are welcome to have dinner together on campus at the Dining Center in the Hicks Student Center, or venture off campus to one of Kalamazoo’s excellent eating establishments (a list of restaurants is available at the information table). New students can use their student ID (which also serves as their meal card) for entrance to the Dining Center. Families may purchase tickets at the Dining Center entrance ($11.15 per person).
- First-Generation Welcome Dinner (by invitation only) (Hicks Banquet Room) – A welcome for first-generation students and their families. Dinner buffet will be served and important information specifically for first-generation students and their families will be shared.
- Relax or Explore the Campus and the City of Kalamazoo – Families are welcome to just relax after a day of moving their students in or explore Kalamazoo. Information about downtown Kalamazoo is available at the information table in the Hicks Student Center. Take your student shopping for last minute items, or explore campus (self-guided walking tour directions are available at the information table in Hicks). Get to know the area your student will call home for the next four years!
The following examples were used on the IS website and the Parent and Families website.
Tech & Media Support
Guten Post Layout Block
Block Details

The new Guten Post Layout block offers a few new ways to display a collection of your posts and pages. settings and variations that include:
- choosing layout settings
- display settings
- heading settings
- filter settings
- pagination settings
- and more
Accessibility and Usability
To remain ADA compliant and provide our users with the best experience, it is imperative that SCEs pay close attention to the the additional settings of this block.
Settings to be mindful of include, but do not limit the following:
- Choosing whether to display the heading and subheading of this block.
- Replacing the “read more” text if needed.
- Adding quality featured images to your posts so they are not pixelated.
Accordion Block Examples
Skin 1
Skin 1 has a very symmetrical look with all posts having a large square feature image and overlay. Users will also experience a slight zoom into the photo when they hover over a post.
Skin 2
Skin 2 offers more of a rectangular shape to the featured image while also providing a bold date with a red background color and white text color. Like skin 1 users will also experience a slight zoom into the photo when they hover over a post.
Skin 3
Skin 3 provides the featured image sitting atop a solid block with the author name, date of post, post title, excerpt and “read more” more. Of the three this skin is a more simplified option; however, is very clear and easy to read. Like with the other skins SCEs can select the content that appears in the lower solid block.
Icon Fonts Updated
Our Icon Font library has been updated to include several new icons, including support for the rebranding of Twitter to X. If you have in use, you might want to update it to or
Kevents shortcode upgraded
The kevents shortcode has new options to control the display of your embedded calendar feed. See our updated How to Embed a Calendar Feed page!